List of Participations (97 at 27.04.2016):

1. Akovantseva Liudmila Ivanovna Adult education as a significant factor in the formation of environmental lifestyle expert

2. Almashij I. Classification of the ecological and educational programs for the youth ecological culture formation

3. Anyshchenko O. Prevention of destructive influences of media as a factor in ecologization media landscape

4. Arnautova V.V. Determination of the socio-psychological characteristics of the socialization of pupils of educational institutions closed

5. Belanovskaya M.L. The impact of modern lifestyle on the transformation of the relationship of young people for marriage and family

6. Belanovskaya O.V. Development of teenagers of self-regulation by means of hippotherapy.

7. Bidiuk I. A. Ecological education of the personality in system of the higher education

8. Biesiedina A.A. Environmental and socio-economic factors in forming healthy schools

9. Biyenko N.A. The Analysis of the Concept of Life Sustainability

10. Bohoncova Yu.A. Ecological component of the educational space: psychological component

11. Bondar K.V. Identification of potential bodily young woman as a factor in greening its way of life

12. Borets Y.V. Ecological valued-semantic orientation of the civic compeyence of future phycholodists and lawyers

13. Brendakova L.V. Personal factors of the formation of ecologically orientirovannoj the life of a pedagogue-psychologist

14. Bretsko I.I. Emotional burnout of teenagers

15. Bukovska O.O. Activation of combatants' domestic resources using methods of interactive influences.

16. Chepurna G.L. The features perfectionistic self-presentation of teacher

17. Chukhrii I.V. Special aspects of the youth negative conditions experience in the setting of the socio-political crisis.

18. Chukhrii I.V. Special aspects of the youth negative conditions experience in the setting of the socio-political crisis.

19. Dubinina D.E. Efect ecological  environment on the emotional development of teenagers 

20. Gagarin A.V. Aspects of becoming of ecological oriented personality in environmental interactions

21. Gorban G. Personal Socialization and ecofriendlyness of Educational Sphere

22. Haba I.M. Ecological compatibility as a factor of personal development in the educational area

23. Harkavets S. A. On the problem of installation of psychological factors greening of modern life

24. Honcharenko Y.V. Psychological foundations of the individuality life area environmentalization.

25. Iakovenko S.I. mental state of man in terms of hybrid war

26. Kazarian P.A. Participation in volunteer psychologists future of ecologically

27. Kidalova M.N. Ecopsychological perspective of work with emotional barriers of teenagers in the conditions of educational and family environment.

28. Kidalova M.N. Ecopsychological perspective of work with emotional barriers of teenagers in the conditions of educational and family environment.

29. Kolmakova Irina Georgievna Tough-role behavior and professional health of the teacher

30. Kolomiіets L. I. The ecological compatibility of the high school educational area as a primary factor in the professionalization of future specialist

31. Komar T.O. Psychological foundations of the ecological compatibility in the interpersonal teenagers relationship

32. Kryazh I.V. Environmental concern as the factor determining pro-environmental lifestyle

33. Kryvokon N.I. Empowerment as a socio-psychological practice for resocialization of anti-terroristic operation combatants and their families

34. Kulikova A.O. Transformation of women’s self-image depending on the term of chastisement

35. Kyrpenko T.M. Influence of volitional processes on the regulation of behavior in extreme conditions of life

36. Lanovenko I.I. Problems Studies deprivation tsyvylyzatsyonnыh values personality

37. Liovochkina A.M. The problem of overcoming stereotypes in the ecological psychology

38. Liovochkina O.V. The feeling of loneliness in adolescents and its impact on the quality of life

39. Lyuta L.P. Мотиваційні чинники туристично-рекреаційної поведінки

40. M. Hauke Psycho-pedagogical bases of formation of ecological culture of preschool children

41. Maksymov M. Ecological information space as a condition of development of creative potential of child

42. maksymova nataliia parents' divorce as an existential problem of child

43. Mandzyk T.M. The role of an emotional attachment to the residence in the formation of people's ecological habits

44. Martseniuk M.O. Psychological accompaniment of development of child by facilities of verbal work

45. Matvienko O.V. Overcoming stress as the basis of the viability of the individual

46. Melnychuk A.L. Perception of the risks on the suburban territories as the element of disaster risk reduction strategy: the case of Kyiv

47. Meytarchan S. Problems of environmental psychology education of future professionals

48. Milushyna M.A. Peculiarities of codependency among college students: trends, problems and results of the research 

49. Mitin Georgiy Valeryevich Adult education as a significant factor in the development of modern environmental lifestyle expert

50. Mitina larisa Maksimovna Psychology of peace and environmental strategies of a person's life

51. Moiseenko R.M. The self-realization of students-psychologists in the process of professional training 

52. Mukhanova I.F. Catalino-imaginative psychotherapy in working with psychological trauma (symboldrama)

53. Munasypova-Motyash I.A. Relationship of senior pupils' environmental consciousness with self-regulations of their activity 

54. Mykhalchuk N.O. Axiological basis of the development of ecological culture of schoolchildren

55. Mykhalyshyn U.B. Social and psychological assistance to the formation of modern specialists in the field of innovation

56. Nosko L.A. Development of reflexivity future psychologists in the course of their studies in Universities

57. Novik D.A The psychological peculiarities of self-centeredness of teenagers

58. Osadko O.Yu. Communication  factors of rising of personaility's  sanogenic potential  

59. Otrosthenko N. P.  Algorithm for the diagnosis and treatment of depression in mental disorders caused by radiation accidents.

60. Ovchynnikova A.S. Psychological competence in socionomic professions

61. Palamarchuk O. M. Psychological aspects of the greening of entrepreneurship subjects

62. Panchenko T.S. Everyday legal awareness

63. Panchenko Typology of managers of commercial organizations is after the level of their hardinness l

64. Paniotova D. D. The diversity of thinking about nature as a factor influencing the ecological lifestyle.

65. Pavlenko O.V. The semantic space of the category of life experience 

66. Pedorenko Special aspects of the aggressive behavior motivation of the socio-deprived teenagers

67. Romanova Vira 

68. Rudomino-Dusyatska O.V. The development of personal identity during formation of eco-oriented lifestyle

69. Sarayeva N.M. Sub-extreme Ecologically Troubled Living Environment as a Limiting Factor for Human Mental Activity

70. Shakhova G.A. Personal potential as a subjective criterion of satisfaction with life.

71. Shlimakova I.I. Diagnostic of sensitiviti of the individual to environmental influences

72. Shtykh Iryna Formacion orientation of the individual in terms of environmental crisis

73. Shulga G.B.  Psychological components of the environmentally oriented activity of the future primary school teachers

74. Skok A.G. Ecological training as a dire ction of higt school activity

75. Sukhanov A.A. Sub-extreme Ecologically Troubled Living Environment as a Limiting Factor for Human Mental Activity

76. Teplyakov M.M. Psychosemantical analysis of perception of the environmental space at the level of everyday consciousness of personality

77. Tishchenko L.V. Psychological components of way of life personality

78. Titova E.Yu. Ethno- cultural features of teenagers’ relation to the nature

79. Tkach T.V. Profession as a determinant of the quality of human life

80. Toba M.V. Socio-psychological support ecology in human life

81. Tsialiuk N. A.  extreme  situations  and human technologies 

82. Varava L.A. Experiencing the feeling of happiness as organization of ecological space of personality 

83. Varava V. V. Volunteering as a factor of childrens environmental awareness

84. Varava V. V. Volunteering as a factor of childrens environmental awareness

85. Varha V.S. Psychological foundations of the greening of modern lifestyle autistic children

86. Vernik O.L. The ecological crisis as a resource greening of life activity of personality

87. Volevakha D. Socio-cultural and age factors of ecological world view of a personality

88. Volevakha I. Social and psychological features of management of grassroots community organization

89. Volevakha S. External environment factors of psychological empowerment in community organizations of Ukraine and the USA

90. Vovchik-Blakytna O.O. The ecological crisis as a resource greening of life activity of personality

91. Yevdokymova N.O. Environmental design principle of educational space in higher education

92. Zadiranova H.V. Development antytsypatsing quality pedagogical students as a factor in the formation of ecological lifestyle

93. Zavatska L.N. Peculiarities of implementation in innovative education for children with special needs

94. Zavatska N.E. Socio-psychological adaptation of individual components in the post-crisis period.

95. Zavatskyi V.Yu. Social and psychological factors to overcome post-traumatic stress disorder among young people in today's society

96. Zhurov V.V. The Analysis of the Concept of Life Sustainability

97. Нirhenko Olena Usage of language as national identity demonstration



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